Demographic Factors Associated With Insecticide Treated Net Use among Northern Mozambique Women and Children under Five


  • Ndakaitei Makwanise Universidade Lúrio


Children, Demographic factors, Insecticide treated nets, Pregnant women


The main objective of this study is to analyze demographic factors associated with insecticide-treated net use among children under five and pregnant women in northern Mozambique. The study was based on data taken from the Mozambique Malaria Immunization Survey-2018. The survey addresses the use of insecticide-treated nets (RTI) among women and children. The survey was conducted in 6,279 households, a total of 10,724 women aged 15-49 years participated in the survey. Of the women interviewed, women from the central and southern regions, women who had no children and those with children above 5 were excluded from the analysis. Data were entered into SPSS version 20 and cross tabulation and the chi-square test were applied to show association between the use of RTIs and demographic variables to determine the association. The results revealed that 87.6% of children and 83.5% of pregnant women had homes with insecticide-treated bed nets and slept under them the night before the survey. Sleeping under insecticide-treated nets among children was associated with (P<0.05) with province of residence. And, use of insecticidetreated nets among pregnant women was associated with province of residence, level of education and wealth quintile. The study demonstrated that some demographic factors such as province of residence, education level and wealth quintile are associated with ITN use among children and pregnant women in northern Mozambique. 





