The Application of Varied Training Methods to Improve the Dribbling Ability of Students of State Vocational High School 2 Gowa Regency


  • SAHARULLAH Makassar State University
  • Nursalehuddin AMIN makassar State University
  • Nur Abidah IDRUS Makassar State University


Application, Method, Varied, Herd, Student


This study aims to find out that this varied training method can improve the dribbling ability of students of SMK Negeri 2 Gowa Regency Championship. This type of research is class action research (PTK). This study was conducted in as many as 2 cycles, each consisting of 7 face-to-face meetings. Each cycle consists of 4 activities, namely: (1) Planning which contains an action plan to be carried out to improve or change behavior and attitudes as a solution; (2) Actions taken by researchers as an effort to improve, improve or change the desired; (3) Observation of the results or effects that occur from the actions taken; and (4) Reflection, the researcher examines the results or actions taken. The subjects of the study were 41 people, who entered cycle 1 and were then given a form of exercise for 7 meetings. After that, a cycle 1 test was carried out to find out the extent of changes that occurred after students were given exercise. The results of the 1st cycle test showed that the percentage of success was 46.342% while those who still had to be given Action were 53.658% of the total number of students.  For this reason, the study continued by entering cycle 2. The results of the   2nd cycle test are very satisfactory because of the 41 students who have entered the good and very good categories with a percentage of 100% in the sense that all students have met the assessment criteria used. This shows that there is an increase in dribbling ability in students of SMK Negeri 2 Gowa Regency after being given various training methods. Thus, the results of cycle 1 and cycle 2 using varied training methods can improve the dribbling ability of students of SMK Negeri 2 Gowa Regency.





